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April 20, 2019
Design / Ideas

What is a Database Management System (DBMS)

D atabases are specialized structures that allow computer-based systems to store, manage, and retrieve data very quickly. They allow companies and businesses to store and access information on topics within the business’s internal and external environment. Databases will be a key component underpinning the systems that you use.

Data really powers everything that we do.” — Jeff Weiner

Types of Databases

 DBMS used to build many different types of databases.
Each database stores a particular collection of data and is used for a specific purpose.
   Number of Users:
o Single-user database: Only one user can use it at a time.
 A single-user database that runs on a personal computer is called a desktop
o Multi-user database: Supports multiple users at the same time.
 Workgroup database: Supporting a relatively small number of users (usually
fewer than 50), or within a specific department of an organization.
 Enterprise database: Used by the entire organization and supports more than
50 users, across many departments.
 Location:
o Centralized Database: Supports data located at a single site.
o Distributed Database: Supports data distributed across several different sites.
 Type of data stored on them:
o General-purpose databases: A wide variety of data used in multiple disciplines.
o Discipline-specific databases: Data focused on specific subject areas.
 Most popular, classifying by how they will be used and the time sensitivity of the information
o Operational database/Online transaction processing (OLTP)/Transitional/Production:
Primarily to support a company’s day-to-day operations.
o Analytical Databases: Storing historical data and business metrics used exclusively for
tactical or strategic decision making.
 Data warehouse: Stores data in a format optimized for decision support.